Sunday, December 30, 2012

Let's be nice

I found this on pinterest as I was pinning things to do in my new apartment.
anyone else want to go do nice things for strangers?
if you can't quite read it click here

One adorable baby girl.

CThe Ramseys... :) I don't know if they know this but they kept me laughing the entire session. They were patient, kind and soooo in love with their little Sadie! She is a hoot. As you can see from the images she is already full of personality. I can't imagine the laughs and joy that she gives them on a constant basis. In the moments that we captured she goes from serious, giggles, sassy, spaz and back to giggles and serious faces. I love that I get to re-live the session for the weeks following as I edit the pictures and this one wasn't any different. A great couple. A great family. One adorable baby girl.

click here if you can't see the slideshow. :) and as always enjoy!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Reddings (so weird not to say Fossen;)

All of you who grew up with me know Kacee and TJ. High school sweethearts that have now made some super adorable kiddos. Even though some of Kacee's FB post may suggest other wise you would never know that they aren't perfect angels. I mean look at these cute little face and those bright eyes. How could they not be perfect? I think they are a perfect mix of Mom & Dad. Great job guys for having such a good looking family! Can't wait to see who they look like as they get older. :)
thanks again and great to see you guys,

Can't see the slideshow? Click here

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Family Full of Great people!

I met Jill in 2009 when I first moved to St.George. We worked together at Standard Optical. She was the most helpful, sweet, and kindest person. She helped me with everything and made me fill at home immediately. I got to hear all the wonderful stories about how her and Greg got Bailey and their story together. I was so excited when I heard they were adding Ella to the mix and even more when I found out after years of trying she gets to experience having a baby of her own! Their family desires it more than anyone. I have been wanting to take her family pictures for years and I am so grateful that it finally happened.
Thanks again Jill,
debi rae 

can't see what I am talking about? click here to see their adorable session :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

One of the greatest moments of my life.

I know that is a silly title once you figure out what this post is about but it really was. I got to witness a birth  the other day and it was the most amazing thing I think I have ever seen. Even though I am sure it was even more so for Lety & Kennnon. It wasn't the actual birth that was amazing it was how much love was in that room. There are some pictures where I hope that you can see just how much each person cares about the other ones. I am so very grateful that I was lucky enough to be there too. Thank you so much for one of the greatest moments of my life.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Shirts Family

You know when you prepare to have a photography session and everything is perfect? The kids are dressed, clean and looking cute. There may have been a few bumps with getting all the kids together and them loving all their cousins. They may go a little crazy. YOU WOULD NEVER KNOW. Every single one of these adorable children was photogenic and gave their best smiles. And they all loved loving on their siblings. Thanks for such a great session.
debi rae

Friday, December 7, 2012

I need a cookie.

This is what I will be enjoying tonight. Anyone else just need a cookie sometimes? Time to start baking!!! 

Yep, You know them.

I don't think that I have ever had so many people comment to me about how wonderful a family is after a session. I have heard amazing things from people who know this great family and know it was my pleasure to take these pictures! They were easy, photogenic, loving, and so kind. Thanks for choosing me to do your pictures!
debi rae

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Green Family.

I don't remember the last time I met 3 boys that were so funny, cute, and obedient! I loved photographing the Green Family's amazing personality. Every single one of them had something that really shined about them and it made it a special 40 min I got to spend with them during their mini session. I hope you enjoy their pictures. I know while editing them I sure had a big smile on my face.